Karaiyeri Umathandai – கரையேறி உமதண்டை

Karaiyeri Umathandai
1. கரையேறி உமதண்டை
நிற்கும்போது ரட்சகா
உதவாமல் பலனற்று
வெட்கப்பட்டுப் போவேனோ

ஆத்மா ஒன்றும் இரட்சிக்காமல்
வெட்கத்தோடு ஆண்டவா
வெறுங்கையனாக உம்மைக்
கண்டுகொள்ளல் ஆகுமா

2. ஆத்துமாக்கள் பேரில் வாஞ்சை
வைத்திடாமல் சோம்பலாய்க்
காலங்கழித்தோர் அந்நாளில்
தூக்கிப்பார் நிர்ப்பந்தராய்

3. தேவரீர் கை தாங்க சற்றும்
சாவுக்கஞ்சிக் கலங்கேன்
ஆயினும் நான் பெலன் காண
உழைக்காமற் போயினேன்

4. வாணாள் எல்லாம் வீணாளாகச்
சென்று போயிற்றே ஐயோ
மோசம் போனேன் விட்ட நன்மை
அழுதாழும் வருமோ

5. பக்தரே உற்சாகத்தோடு
எழும்பிப் பிரகாசிப்பீர்
ஆத்துமாக்கள் யேசுவண்டை
வந்துசேர உழைப்பீர்

4 thoughts on “Karaiyeri Umathandai – கரையேறி உமதண்டை

  1. A young man of the 18th century had been a Christian only for one month. There was an imminent and seeming unavoidable death about to claim his life. He had no opportunity to serve God. He really desired to serve God but his health did not allow him. While he was counting his days, he made some very sober statements which I believe will be both instructive and motivating to many of us who might have been growing lukewarm, sleepy or slipping into a state of spiritual unconsciousness.

    The statements made by this young man was eventually put together into a song by Charles Carroll Luther in 1877.
    Below are his statements and some thoughts I gleaned from them:

    He said, “I am not afraid to die because Jesus saves me now. But must I go empty handed?”

    When we become Christians, death loses it’s grip on us. A christian is not afraid to die because death is a gateway into greater glory, it is an entrance into the presence of the most High God.

    However, we must labour to get into the presence of Our Redeemer with our hearts cleansed, hands filled with sanctified Kingdom labour and heart aglow in expectation of the crown for soulwinners.

    Secondly he said, “If I could bring back all the years I wasted sinning, I would give them to my Saviour and gladly bow to His will”

    A life spent in sin is a wasted one. A life without Christ is a life without hope because Christ in us is our hope of glory. No one has an excuse for living a sinful life. Jesus Christ has paid the sacrifice for sin. All that is expected of every living Creature is to acknowledge the death and resurrection of Christ and accept the Lordship of Christ as Saviour.

    A Word for the Saints:

    “O ye Saints, arouse, be earnest; Rise up and work while it is day; don’t wait till the night of death overtake you. Strife for souls while still you may.”

    The word is plain and understable.
    The night comes when no one can work. It could be the night of death, the night of sickness, the night of senility, and so on. It could also be the night of rapture.

    We have more opportunities to preach the gospel far more than the earlier Christians. We have lesser persecutions. Now we can preach on Facebook with large audience, on Whatsapp, Twitter, emails, blogs and so on.

    As I remember this story today and subsequently sang the song, I felt it necessary to share it with you with the hope that it will encourage us to be more earnest in the work of the Master, to make the world know about the Saviour who died for sinners and who rose again to live eternally.

    Countless souls slip into unprepared eternity on a daily basis. Let’s not wait until we get a pulpit or a microphone. We can reach them through several means, one of which I am reaching you right now.
    Let your Facebook wall sing of the love of Jesus for the sinners, His desire that they should repent of their sins and escape eternal damnation in hell.

    O ye saints, arouse, be earnest,
    Up and work while yet ‘its day;
    Ere the night of death o’er take,
    strive for souls while still you may.

    “Must I go, and empty handed”
    Must I meet my Saviour so?
    Not one soul with which to greet Him,
    Must I empty handed go?

  2. Must I go, and empty-handed,”
    Thus my dear Redeemer meet?
    Not one day of service give Him,
    Lay no trophy at His feet? “Must I go, and empty-handed?”
      Must I meet my Savior so?
    Not one soul with which to greet Him:
        Must I empty-handed go?


    Not at death I shrink nor falter,
    For my Savior saves me now;
    But to meet Him empty-handed,
    Thought of that now clouds my brow.


    O the years in sinning wasted;
    Could I but recall them now,
    I would give them to my Savior,
    To His will I’d gladly bow.


    O ye saints, arouse, be earnest,
    Up and work while yet ’tis day;
    Ere the night of death o’ertake thee,
    Strive for souls while still you may.

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